Getting Involved!

Needed for the 2024 Year

PNER is looking for a new Handbook editor! Thank you to Bobbi Walker for doing such an awesome job, I'm sure she will help someone transition into the role to continue this valuable tool for all of our membership.

If you don't have the time or skills for any of the committees or are still learning about the sport, Ride Managers would love to hear from you!
They are always looking for people able to help mark trails, be a greeter at Ridecamp, take pulses, scribe for the vets, ride timer, or just be available at the vetting area to help anyone! But most of all, we LOVE our ride secretaries if you have some computer and organizational skills.

To help out, contact the ride manager for a ride near you (check out the Ride Calendar flyers and websites). This is a fabulous way to learn more about the sport or even learn some tips on getting your horse through a vet check efficiently with the best scores!

We thank you all!